6/4/2009 2:44:12 AM

How much surreal and absurd will it get?  How many more soldiers will we bury before everybody, who CAN DO something, will wake up?  How many mothers’ tears are required to cultivate peace? How much more blood of the sons of the soil is needed to wash away the black deeds of the avaricious?  How many IDPs (Internally Displaced People), are needed to shake up the conscience of the leadership?

Nobody seems to know the answers!

We -the citizens of Pakistan- are anxiously awaiting an end to it all.  Will it come?  We don’t know. 

Do we have a choice?  No!  We can only wait.  How long will this wait be?  We don’t know!

The answers are with God.  The solutions are in God’s hands.  Above all… we are ALL in God’s hands!

We are all "Waiting for Godot"! 

Who is this Godot anyway?

well… for the ordinary citizen- who is only a helpless spectator in this cruel circus!- Godot is most definitely and undoubtedly God and no one else!

For the government: Godot is anything but God!

For them, it is the US aid, they so shamelessly beg for.  For them, it is the shutting off of eyes and ears, to their black deeds and tyranny .  For them, Godot is the money they receive for illegally running the country, so that the US’ dreams are made to come true.  Above all, Godot is the "high" chair they sit on, to salvage their corruption!  Without Godot, they are powerless, aimless, and faceless!

The Pakistani government is under the illusion that, the arrival of "Godot" is the solution to all our problems.  The Pakistani govt. is completely unaware of the nuisance Godot’s arrival will bring with itself.  The govt.  is totally incapable of dealing with, and containing, the menace that this arrival poses to our whole being.

Time has come to wake up and take action.  No Godot will come to save us.  Godot is not a saviour.  It’s an illusion that he is a saviour!  On the contrary… he/it is the plague we must run away from!

Those who will keep waiting for it/him, will be the biggest losers!

If indeed there is a Godot, it’s inside us!  We must explore our innerselves to bring him out.  Our saviour is not out side but inside us!

Our Godot is not the US aid, or the night vision goggles- or for that matter the civil nuclear deal the govt. is so hopelessly begging for!

Our Godot is – and MUST always be, our strongest possible belief in God!  He alone can bring us the salvation we are so desperate for.  God resides inside us… in every IDP’s heart.  They don’t have worldly possessions today, but they can never be deprived of the most precious treasure they have inside them….God!

God is inside every Pakistani’s heart :  Whether fighting face to face with the enemy, or sitting at home wondering whats next.

The soldiers will fight and be rewarded martyrdom.  The "leaders" will steal and plunder and run away to foreign "sanctuaries"!

The Pakistani citizens have opened their hearts and pockets for the displaced brothers and sisters.  We have found our Godot!

Let us all raise our hands to pray: the misguided and the misled also find their true Godot!

Waiting for Godot