After the 1992 world cup victory, when fund raising for the hospital was at it’s peak, this poem was written after being inspired by the enthusiasm of the people. It may not be technically very sound, but certainly expresses the heartfelt emotion.


It is called Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust

Supposed to the best on earth’s crust

Another blessing from the almighty God

For those who don’t have any protective sword.

Luminescent glimmer for those whose hopes are exiguous;

Who are trapped in the whirlpools of the vicious.

The pleas will no more be sent to Coventry,

For they still prevail but are only momentary.

Commotion created by the scoundrel, (of cancer)

Has taken out many a funeral.

For a patient’s life it is a plunderer-

which has even incensed the flounderer!

With a hope for the future and

to make it always nurture;


everyone raises hands to pray:

Come out triumphant in the fray!