If you are trying to further the legacy of some of the most prominent women your country’s history has ever known- or trying to emulate the beacon you are named after, it’s a burden heavy enough to carry. Heavier still, if you are a fourteen year old, and trying to fight just like those women in a strife ridden place called the Swat Valley.

Malalai Of Maiwand


If you live in a country where bread is top priority and not books, your passion for books needs to be applauded. If you are someone who has realized in this tender age, that serving humanity is what you want to do… then hats off to you!

Malala Yousafzai


The brave woman you are named after, must be proudly wishing you the speediest recovery to enable you to carry on her legacy. Malalai Ana lives on through heroines like you and your friends, who endured the brutality with the bravery Pashtuns are famous for- whether you live in Pakistan or like Sharbat Gula, in Afghanistan.

Sharbat Gula


You already are in the league of those extraordinary women, whom the nation is indebted to forever.

Miss Fatima Jinnah, and Quaid-e-Azam.


Today, as you meet your family and bring joy to your blood relatives, you are making proud the mother of the nation, Fatima Jinnah– who must be looking at you from the heavens above; and smiling with pride that the country she helped her brother create, in most adverse circumstances, will indeed survive and thrive, if daughters like you are born.

Shaista Ikramullah.


href=”https://farhanasyed.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/20121029-043535.jpg”>;;Raana Liaqat Ali Khan


Not only Miss Jinnah must be beaming, but her other companions like Raana Liaqat Ali Khan, and Shaista Ikramullah, must also be extremely pleased to know their shoes will be filled by most competent people. They fought for their rights and won. They educated themselves and millions of others. They inspired their generation to stand up and achieve the seemingly impossible goal of freedom, and be revered by all generations to come. You have inspired the same nation to rise against brutality, speak up and reclaim the same freedom, the dark forces are hell bent to destroy!

Malala with family.


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