Original post: 6/16/2009 10:49:00 PM

With all due respect to Mufti Muneeb-ur- Rahman (chairman moon sighting council), who said on the Geo TV show Capital Talk, that Pervez Musharraf created the mess including the Taliban, who are making it a hell for us all.

No fan of Musharraf myself, yet need to bring a few known facts to his attention.

Sir! Taliban were created by the ISI and General Zia on orders and monetary “Free Flow” from the CIA and the USA (any difference between two?).  This fact was endorsed and acknowledged by President Reagan, and most recently by Hillary Clinton- the US Secretary of State.

President Reagan hailed the then Mujahideen fighters of the then Jihad as “the heroes of 20th century”, when he invited all of the Mujahideen leaders to the lawns of the White House!  And now, as soon as the century has taken a turn – all of a sudden- the same “heroes” have become the worst “villains”!

Who left them high and dry after using them to serve their selfish purpose?  the US!  Who never thought of bringing any change to their lives, after the situation on the ground changed? the US!  Whose fault is it that they were never trained to do anything else but fight?  the US!  Who exactly left the gullible folks in the hallucination of a bright prospect because they had the killer gold (opium) in their possession?  The US!

Who called them the “heroes” in the first place?  the US!…  and who called them the villains first of all?  The US! 

Who gave them the money and the weapons at first?  the US!  why should we not believe it is the same source now that provides them with the daily $50 and the most sophisticated weaponry.  The most professional army like Pakistan does not have anything similar to theirs, and is begging like hungry street urchins from the US, to give them a morsel!

Although, these “villains” are being paid $50 per day for their “services”, and whoever refuses this generous offer is beheaded and hung in the main square of the town! These jobless and skill- less, and -so many times- illiterate; and all too often, desperate for job and money, are  so easily ensnared by these vicious tactics.

Would love to know who is giving them the $50, and how are they able to sustain the inflow and supply of cash without a bank account and a complete blockade of the area?  Are the US drones throwing $ together with bombs?

Everyone now seems to be able to make the distinction between the three main categories of Taliban in Pakistan. One: “genuinely” misled and brainwashed, who actually want the Shariah Law and –according to them- are perhaps “serving” the cause of Islam by all  their acts of “purifying” the Land of the Pure.  Second: those who are criminals and have found a way to “blend in” with the crowd by saying they too are serving Islam.  Third: foreign elements- which can again be subdivided into minor subcategories (a. self proclaimed jihadis,who have come to help their fellow Muslim brothers  b. agents of Pakistani enemies who have jumped to the opportunity to destroy us!)

The stories abound and are out in the open that many of these are not even Muslims, and indulge in all kinds of unislamic activities- that would otherwise be considered completely forbidden- by the kind of hard core Muslims, they  proclaim themselves to be! 

ok, eating swine and drinking alcohol to keep themselves alive in harsh conditions, can be an argument; but please, enlighten me, if watching porn can also save a dying and starving talib?!

Finally, the question arises:  if these Taliban are really inspired by their comrades in Afghanistan

(even today, Taliban  are not outcasts in Afghanistan!)-  then, why not cause people to welcome them out of free will, and why not make people tell the army and the government that it’s Taliban they want and not the operation “Rah-e- Rast”? 

After all, it was Afghan Talibans’  treatment of the captured British journalist Yvonne Ridley, that convinced her to study Islam and embrace the religion. 



The same Yvonne Ridley who brought to light the case of Dr. Afia Siddiqui in the first place! How many Ridleys have we seen in Swat? None!  


Hopefully, some illusions have been cleared regarding the Taliban and their origins.
Mufti sahib, please correct me if I am wrong… sir?