
The last time this nation ever had a genuine, and heartfelt celebration, was on 25th March 1992. We had just won the World Cup of cricket, beating the former masters and inventors of the game. That day, I saw some of the best known players of the game, succumbing to the player they thought was past his prime. However, he won his team and nation an accolade that no one has been able to repeat ever since. Indeed, it turned out to be his last stint on the field, yet, it was a new beginning for him and the whole nation.



He lifted the cup in Melbourne, and here back home, succeeded in lifting the spirits of the nation. It gave rise to a campaign which was unthinkable even for him, when he first made his appeal.
He forgot to say many things during his acceptance speech, but remembered to tell everyone of his dream. One that got fulfilled by winning the world cup, and the other that was going to become a reality after the victory.


It did become a reality, in the shape of the first ever cancer hospital, in memory of his beloved mother. Once again, he did what no one had done before: providing 75% free of cost treatment to economically challenged patients.
And yet again, only he is doing it by establishing a second hospital in Peshawar. While preparations for a third in Karachi are underway, several laboratories (collection centers), clinics and diagnostic centers provide services across the country.

Bomb blasts terrorized neither the founder nor the well wishers of the cause, who remained steadfast whatever the circumstances may be.
Any and all smear campaigns fell flat on their faces. The institute par excellence stands tall for everyone to see! A single visit by a complete illiterate will also generate only goodwill and the desire to take the mission forward.

The mission did move forward and became the next big dream.

This time, the dream was to bring highest quality education to the rural doorstep.
This dream too, has seen light of the day; in the shape of Namal University in Mianwali, where 90% of the students are “financially supported”. It stands proud with students representing all regions of Pakistan.
While the college expands to become the first knowledge city of the country, the dream gets bigger and bigger and moves to loftier horizons.

The dream that started with the quest of the world cup, and moved forward to defeat the cancer scourge; kept it’s winning streak intact by defeating illiteracy, and wishes to be endeared in every Pakistani’s heart by wiping out the corrupt, double faced slaves of foreign masters through the “tsunami” of honesty, integrity, selflessness and above all justice!

So, what began as passion to excel in sport and reach the pinnacle, kept getting bigger and bigger and now strives to achieve the ultimate trophy.
The first one ( world cup), wasn’t presented on a fancy plate out of fear for the captain or his team. At least back in those days, most encounters were genuine and hard fought. Victory had to be snatched from jaws of defeat.
Still, such victories do not ensure no snags will hamper the desire to serve humanity. Nine out of ten people can say: building a cancer hospital in a third world country is madness! Even crazier is the idea of free of cost treatment for the poor. And when there is hunger to do more for the under privileged, a university on the same ideals can invoke a decree to declare the dreamer… Insane!
If that wasn’t enough, then try establishing a political party with the vision to sweep all ‘dirt’ off the face of the earth.
Once again doing what no one dared to do : Blocking routes to passing NATO supplies together with historic crowds. Always leading from the front, and staying with the masses to keep the spirits high. Spending nights under open skies to become one with the protestors.
One more first: Leading the nation and the international representatives to the edge of the most notorious battlefield (Waziristan march).
Being the ONLY one to visit Malala in Peshawar, and speaking out against the brutality there and then.
A struggle for fifteen years to make the dream a reality, and just about when it’s so near it’s goal… the airport authorities think they have some serious questions to ask!


The only thing left to say is what the National Poet Dr. Iqbal said:

Labb pe aati hai dua bann ke tamanna meri
Zindagi shamma ki surat ho khudaaya meri

Duur duniya ka merey dumm say andhera ho jaye
Har jaga mere chamakne se ujaala ho jaye

A crude translation would be:
The poet’s lips utter his wish in form of prayer:
May his life be like a torchlight

May his (the torchlight) life be able to vanquish the darkness of the world
May his glow bring light all around!